
Voit Varata ajan:

If you can’t find a suitable appointment time from our online booking system, please call us and we will do our best to find the right time for you.

Kamppi – Malminrinne  +358925251100
Kamppi – Shopping center – Kortteli  +358931544700
Kamppi – Runeberginkatu  +3589626670
Punavuori – Albertinkatu  +358931577555


Reservations and inquiries for hair extensions and keratin treatments by phone or email info@Qhair.fi

If possible, please arrive only at the reserved time, so that we can minimize the number of customers in our premises. If you’re unable to attend, please cancel 24h prior to your appointment. Cancellation of project work no later than one week before the reserved appointment. We will charge 100% of the cost of the booked service for late cancellations and no shows.

Please note that we do not accept cancellations by email. Cancellations can be made through your own Q Hair profile by logging into our appointment system, or by calling any salon. Please note, that the salons only accept card payments.
Please note that we have updated our price list on May 13, 2023.

Registration information and reservation and cancellation conditions


Art Director is the professionally leading character of our entire team. He acts as visual authority that leads the team through overall solutions.

Style Director is a highly talented expert with strong experience and strong vision. Style Director creates quality standards for our service and leads the team to excellent work. Style Director has proven their professional excellence during a long career.

Senior Stylists have a longer experience than a Stylist and they have created a wide customer base by working confidently in a creative way. All of our Senior Stylists have at least seven years of experience in the industry.

Stylists are very talented, have a great passion for their work and they have very versatile educational background. Our stylists have at least four years of experience in the industry.

Junior Stylist is relatively new in the industry. They don’t have a long experience in this profession, but they have shown great talent in both technical skills and customer service. Junior Stylists always get help from our more experienced stylists whenever necessary.

Trainee is a hair stylist who has recently graduated or is still finishing studies. Only very talented and enthusiastic people are working at Q Hair as a Trainee. Trainee always gets help from our more experienced staff whenever necessary. Trainee prices are about -30% of Stylist prices. (The discount does not apply to Olaplex or K18 treatments.) If you’re thinking of a big makeover or big lightening process, please contact us by phone in order to find an appointment of the right length. Please note that Trainee appointments are longer than appointments with our more experienced stylists.